Giovanni Motta


Giovanni Motta

“You are the eternal child, viewing everything in astonishment, as if for the first time.”
(Giovanni Pascoli, Il fanciullino)

Giovanni Motta was born into an artistic family in Verona in 1971. He expresses himself through painting and sculpture. His paintings are the result of an elaborate, complex technique based on the study of colour and form. In Motta’s poetic output, a frequent theme is memory and recollections. The paintings and sculptures do not contrast with each other. Indeed, the objective elements and perception of reality portrayed by the former tend to enhance the idea of subjective fantasy in the latter, in keeping with the alteration and transformation involved in the combined use of the two. Motta’s works border on the realm of fantasy with their high visual impact. They start with research and expansion of childhood memories. He possesses a contemporary vocabulary that is influenced by Japanese culture, cartoons and vibrant hues that are strictly produced with spot colors.

"All of Giovanni Motta’s work revolves around the prodigious nature of the human existence, its extraordinary quality, as well as the terrifying aspects of life itself. It is that energy which for adults seems to drastically become blunted and loses its force, but which for children and pre-adolescents is lively and pulsating. Giovanni Motta is interested in the retrieval of emotional states, of moments which are fixed in the memory, in the form of indelible memories, above all as infants and in puberty, when even the smallest events can be experienced with a great deal of intensity. The monster is therefore a visual and imaginative transcription of emotional magic, of the highest point on the graph charting our daily emotions. 

The Latin word monstrum means the manifestation of an event that subverts the natural order of things. For people in ancient times, monsters were a warning, foreboding from the gods. What is special for the artist, on the other hand, is the opportunity to morph a memory, to give it body and substance, in an eloquent form, which is what children do when they draw their own emotions. It is no coincidence that the progenitors of Giovanni Motta’s many monsters, “Blue Julian” and “Red Atomic”, were created from the fantasy of his children, from the shapes of little play dough statuettes. /by Ivan Quaroni
